Monday, December 28, 2009

the first born child

If I could turn back time, I wanted to be the last born child.
If I could turn back time, I wanted to be born in any other culture background but batak.
If I could turn back time, I didn't want to help my sister get married with her husband.
If I could turn back time, I would do anything I wish without anybody's opinion.
and I hate to admit that I can't turn back time.

what is it to be the first born child, when u feel heavy burden????
what is it to have an overseas diploma, If you don't make as much money as those with local diploma????
what is it to be pretty, if u can't be with someone u love????
what is it to have so much money, but u don't live happy????
what is it to have parents with a huge ambition, and not care what the children need????

why can't people stop thinking about money, position, and pride???

too bad, I can only complaints, and cry all by my self and still have to follow what is told.