Wednesday, September 2, 2009

me - 32 floor height - earth quake

exactly ... what 1st thing on your mind if u're on 32nd floor when earth quake is happen????
Today, I didn't go to work because I had a cold and I had a plan some time in the afternoon, to see a doctor and do a check up. Came back home from the hospital, my dad asked me to go with him to the office to do some stuff; a report that I have not done with (I'm doing part time at my dad's office as well). We just got at the office, I checked my mail, and I sat down at my table ... then my secretary at the office said ... "do u feel the building's shaking?" I said "yes." then I looked at my curtain in my room... it's moving, then I looked at the door, the door's office is swinging back and forth as well ... then I called my dad from the other room, he was calm at first, because he thought it's not gonna be long and bad, but we felt the shaking is getting stronger and stronger .... we all panic ... we quickly ran out to the hall .. no body is out, then we went back in to the office .. the shaking is still hadn't stop ... My dad tried to open the elevator's door, then I said not to go down with that ... we're going with the stairs (the emergency exit). all the way down, I prayed ... pray that we can get down safely. Still the shaking hadn't stop when we run down the stairs. And finally we arrived downstairs safely ... felt relief but still my body shaking from the shock and from running so far. we're saved .... the bulding officeers announced through the mic, that the earth quake's over, but they're still waiting for a confirmation from BMG (geologist dept. of Indonesia) if there'll be no followed earth quake, and we're save to go in to the building again.

looking back from what I've just experienced, life is more appriciated when we're facing death, and I personally, often times forget to remember God in my good and happy times, hopefully this can be a shock therapy for my "me-God relationship" .. before when people ask .. "aren't u afraid of earth quake ... 32nd floor??" I replied, "nope, when it's the time to die .. u'll die" But then I experienced it right on 32nd floor, I was scared like hell, and shouting in my head "God help!!!!!"