Wednesday, May 27, 2009

discipline - HELP

I have an 8 year old sister. I left her for college when she was 3 yrs. I have no idea how my mom discipline her all these times, but she would become so ignorant and have no initiatif even for her self. However, I'm trying to fix this. as much as possible I try not to make her fear me, but sometimes I reach my limits and end up scared her in order to get her attention and obey.
Right now, my mom stress about how she would take money from my mom's room/bag/wallet for her shopping. I admit, that we never give her allowance or money, but we always give her snacks, or anything she needed instead. We purposely do that, so she won't buy snacks outside, that would make her sick (she gets sick easily). After she steals, she lies. It hurts me, this happen to my own sister. I really have no idea how to deal with this or how should we treat this problem. I always think that this probably an impact that her friends bring to her, and it make me feel like she needs to move to another school (better one with high discipline). really, is it necessary? where should I start to fix this?


Unknown said...

Hey Elsye,
8 yrs old huh?
I teach 8-9 year olds, and you know what? I've found 2 key things that work:
1)They WANT to take responsibility for themselves but don't know how! Make her feel proud of doing things for herself - tell her, "hey, you're a big girl now! I'm going to treat you like a big girl not a baby" --with a smile of course. :) It will take time tho. Be patient. My students have improved IMMENSELY over this one year, but they're still lazy or forgetful at times. However, when the owness is on them to take care of themselves, and they take pride in their accomplishments (praisepraisepraise!!), they will see improvements, and this will spur them on to more things.

2) Make it fun! They love games and challenges. Make anything and everything a game. Instead of telling her what to do, think of some creative ways to make it fun an exciting. I'm not sure what you deal with specifically, but try! lol...

Most of all, remain positive!
Kids pick up on moods and attitudes. If your attitude is that she's irresponsible and irritating and lazy, and will not change, she will not feel like there's a point trying because she'll fail anyway! Give lots of encouragement, smile more, and have fun WITH her....

Hope that helps. :)

ps: in reply to ur previous post - I miss you too.