Monday, December 8, 2008


ffYaY ... I finally can go online, after a long time suffering from not being able to go online, thanks to daddy for working it out. Today is a public holiday, my parents were off to the beach with my twin sister's family, and some friends from church. I was asked to go to, but for some reasons I just decided to stay and spoiling my self at home. So, practically I spent my times just watching movies and go ol, and be lazy ... turn out it wasn't nice at all, thinking about it, I just wasted a day of my life just like that ... anyway, I had a bad sleep last night, the people praying sound from the mosques made me not able to sleep, and someone I don't have interest in kept calling the whole night, plus the "he and I" thing make it a perfect worst night ever since I'm home. That was actually why I call it a one boring day today

Ps: thanks to Lerie for making me laugh for a moment


Lerie said...

MIss you
MIss you
Hug you
Hug you

Hey...please click follow me again on my site..muahahah still don't have your pic there man..

take care!!!